Bike coaching

Quarterly, Bike Experience news in your box.

coach's words

Bike Experience? It’s such a nice activity. It’s really good for people who are just starting out and who are not used to cycling in traffic, because it really starts from the very basics - first in the theory part and then on the road.


Are coaches paid?

No, coaches are volunteers. Each has his/her own personal reasons for volunteering, but mostly they are experienced cyclists who want to share their passion for cycling.

I have already completed Coach/Biker training from a previous edition. Do I need to do it again?

No, in this case there’s no need to retrain. Contact us to be paired up with a buddy by email: or phone 02 318 84 07.

Can a coach be paired up with and accompany several Bikers?

Yes, however, we ask coaches to accompany one biker at a time. This ensures quality supervision. Once supervision is over, you can offer to supervise a new Biker.