Are coaches paid?

No, coaches are volunteers. Each has his/her own personal reasons for volunteering, but mostly they are experienced cyclists who want to share their passion for cycling.

I have already completed Coach/Biker training from a previous edition. Do I need to do it again?

No, in this case there’s no need to retrain. Contact us to be paired up with a buddy by email: or phone 02 318 84 07.

Can a coach be paired up with and accompany several Bikers?

Yes, however, we ask coaches to accompany one biker at a time. This ensures quality supervision. Once supervision is over, you can offer to supervise a new Biker.

How do I organise my journeys and schedules under supervision?

Directly with your buddy. As soon as your coaching request has been confirmed contact your buddy by email to exchange details, and decide on specific journeys and your three days of supervision.

Can I make a detour on the agreed route (to drop off my children, do shopping...)?

It's possible. You can negotiate this together with your coach. Bear in mind that the Coach has committed to accompanying you on the specific route you requested, so it's a matter of finding an agreement that works for both of you.

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